Preparedness startup

Helping take a preparedness startup, born out of the desire to help people through anxiety, from zero to one.


Readyr is a brand new concept that helps everyday people enjoy peace of mind by becoming more prepared. When we started working with the founder, Emily, the concept was just that.

The wave of societal threats we face today is becoming larger and more imposing. The UK has been experiencing record rates of anxiety since the COVID pandemic. Existing solutions don't address the anxiety triggered by these threats. Readyr aims to break the cycle of threat anxiety by providing clear, reliable expert advice, curated tools and equipment and practical skills for preparedness against crises.

Our task was to help her to turn the idea into something tangible. We started out with 3 main objectives:

  1. Complete seed funding round. We would coach Emily on pitching, help her to produce a knock out pitch deck and ultimately support her in achieving her seed fund target.

  2. Produce a brand identity to provide a consistent image and identity for the company which would connect to its users.

  3. Create a website and content hub around which we start creating digital mass.

My Role

I was in charge of the delivery of this project helping to define a roadmap to meet the objectives and defining how we would execute most effectively against it. We ran the project using Kanban.

I coordinated resources across Hex driving the direction and delivery of the work. Providing briefs and joining dots between pieces of work and teams.

I also worked with Emily to define a critical path for completion of the objectives and keeping this up to date and Emily informed.

I was also in control of the budget and our translation of it into value for the client.


Over a period of 3 months we worked closely with the founder, Emily to develop and deliver:

  • A brand and tone of voice that could be utilised across a series of assets

  • A new website and content hub

  • A social strategy and creation of social platforms

  • B2B and B2C CRM setup and consulting, including creation of a newsletter campaign

  • In depth qual research producing a set of 4 personas

  • Quantitative research to ~400 participants allowing us to gain insights into

  • Financial consulting to provide a comprehensive view of cash flow

  • A honed pitch deck Ready for potential investors